Tuesday 23 June 2015

Is Taraweeh 8 or 20 Rakat

This is the one of the most misunderstand comes in the Muslim community. Some say it's 8 Rakat and other says 20 rakat. In this article, we'll solve your misconception.

Narrated Nafi`:
Ibn `Umar said, "While the Prophet (ﷺ) was on the pulpit, a man asked him how to offer the night prayers. He replied, 'Pray two rak`at at a time and then two and then two and so on, and if you are afraid of the dawn (the approach of the time of the Fajr prayer) pray one rak`a and that will be the witr for all the rak`at which you have offered." Ibn `Umar said, "The last rak`at of the night prayer should be odd, for the Prophet (ﷺ) ordered it to be so.
 (Sahih Al Bukhari, Vol 1, Book of Salaah, Hadith: 472)

This hadith mentions that we can pray as much as we want but it should 2 then next two and then next 2. You can pray as much as you want finally when you want to stop pray 1 rakat as witr.

Narrated Abu Salma bin `Abdur Rahman:
I asked `Aisha, "How is the prayer of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) during the month of Ramadan." She said, "Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) never exceeded eleven rak`at in Ramadan or in other months; he used to offer four rak`at-- do not ask me about their beauty and length, then four rak`at, do not ask me about their beauty and length, and then three rak`at." Aisha further said, "I said, 'O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Do you sleep before offering the witr prayer?' He replied, 'O `Aisha! My eyes sleep but my heart remains awake'!"
(Sahih Al Bukhari, Vol , Book of Tahajjud, Hadith: 1147)

As far as the number of rakat concern you can pray as many as you wish but as far as concern practise of Prophet Muhammed (s) used to pray 11 rakat, not more than 11 rakat and he also prayed this in other months too. In this, he prayed 8 rakat of Taraweeh and 3 rakat of witr. It is permissible as much as you want to pray but if you want to follow Sunnah of Prophet pray 8 rakat and 3 rakat of witr.

Question: If a group of people prays 8 in one hour and another group of people pray 20 in one and half hour. Which is better?

This question had got 2 portions, one is the length and other is a number of rakat. Before answering this question let me tell you something if a person is praying Taraweeh in a masjid where imam prays 8, he should not pray additional 12 to make it 20 and if a person is praying in a masjid where imam is prays 20, he should get away just praying 8.

Narrated that Abu Dharr said:

The Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever prays qiyaam – i.e., Taraweeh – with the imam until he finishes, it will be recorded as if he spent whole night in prayer.”
(Al Tirimidhi Hadith:806)

The Prophet (S) said that the longer is better. So if 8 rakat one and half hour is better than 20 rakat one and half hour but the question is 20 rakat one and half hour. So we suggest 20 rakat one and half hour is better.

Sunday 25 January 2015

How To Focus In Salah?

If you didn't focus on Salah then you didn't pray. One day when one of the companion of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) after praying came to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and said Assalamu Alaikum  Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) replied Wa Alaikum Salam and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said you didn't pray go and pray again and three times same answer ways said by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) after that companion said to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) teach me how to pray because he rushed in Salah he companion didn't focus on prayer

How to focus

Understand the what is the definition of  surah which you recite 

Saturday 17 January 2015

Why Allah Created Us?

Becoming a Muslim is our best luck and we only believe in one God who is almighty ALLAH who created heaven, hell and all. He only created us for worshiping him (ALLAH). He sent enough Messengers and Prophet to earth to show the true path and he sent Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) as the last Messenger and Prophet. And almighty Allah revealed Quran as the final revelation for whole world.

Allah tells in the Holy Quran that we were indeed created for a purpose beyond that of mere play and enjoyment.

“Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?” (Quran 23:115)

Allah mention that the of present life is one of deception and we should not fall in its temporary enojments.

“Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children – like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.” (Quran 57:20)

Allah says in the Quran reality of life is each one of us and everyone us will be tested in different manor some are poor and don't think that rich will not be tested if Allah think he can make any richest man to poor, and everyone one of us we be bought back to Allah in account for every single good deed and bad deed we have performed, both good and bad deed.

“[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.” (Quran 67:2)

Allah even teach us about the purpose of life to also worship him alone without including partners with him. In my country India many of Muslims go in front of the grave and ask for their own sins this is known as shirk (Polytheism). Some ask for to make them in heaven with the help of this guy who is inside the grave. And please brother please don't it. It is adding partner to almighty Allah and it is also meantioned in The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Du'a (supplication) is worship[17 The Book Of Dua (Supplication) Hadith No: 1465].

“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Quran 51:56)

More information about "Why Allah Created Us"? Coming Soon.

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Iman is meaning faith in the Arabic language has 6 Pillars which should be known by a Muslim. These pillars are:

1. Belief in Allah (Tawhid)

2. Belief in the Angels

3. Belief in Divine Books

4. Belief in the Prophets

5. Belief in the Day of Judgement

6. Belief in Allah's predestination

First Pillar (Tawhid)

Believe there is no god but Allah and worship him alone and he is one(Al-ʾAḥad) and single(Al-Wahid).According to the Quran Iman should be accompanied with both righteous deeds adn the both together are required for entry to the Paradise. In the Hadith Of Jibril (Gabriel) in it says Iman in additional to Islam and Ihsan for the three dimensions of the religion Islam.

About Islam is coming soon.

Friday 16 January 2015


As-salmu-alaykum every muslim don't for get to reply Wa-alaykum-salam in this 
page we are publishing post about Islam and we will publish Quran verses, Hadith misconception about Islam and more.

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We are tring to create a video for Islam but we need some helps In-Sha-Allah we will try as possible as fast dua for us to done it as fast to Allah. And also share our post because it will very helpfull for others to learn about Islam and you will be rewarded by ALLAH because of you the read the verse of Quran, knowed about Islam and more.